Privacy Policy

Version: 19.12.2018

1. General

The protection of your personal data is very important to us. We process your data exclusively on the basis of legal regulations (GDPR, the Austrian Data Protection Act, the Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003). Below we will inform you about how we process your personal data and the rights and entitlements you have under data protection regulations.

We are always at your disposal for any complaints, questions or suggestions about data protection.

On the one hand, we process data that you disclose to us yourself, and on the other, data that we receive through your use of our website.

If this privacy policy is presented by the data controller in a language other than German, the translation was prepared by an independent specialist translator certified to ISO 17100:2015 and proofread by at least one other specialist translator. If, in the case of dispute, a court insists on a German-language contract text, then only the original German-language contract text shall be valid; under no circumstances shall a retranslation of the translated version be used.

2. We process personal data that you provide to us as follows:

2.1 Data processing in the context of contacting us:

If you contact us (e.g. by e-mail or telephone), your data is processed to carry out pre-contractual measures or to fulfill the contract for processing or dealing with your inquiry.

2.2 General data processing in the context of the business relationship:

Your data is processed to fulfill a contractual relationship or has a legal basis in the context of a business relationship (or for processing that relationship). Your data is processed to deal with business transactions formally and to process the sale of services.

The transmission of the relevant data in each individual case has a legal basis or fulfills a contractual relationship. In addition, transmission is carried out to the following categories of recipients: Banks, legal representatives, accountants, auditors and tax advisers, courts, competent administrative authorities, contract and business partners, insurance companies

2.3 Data processing for direct marketing purposes:

Your data is processed on the basis of your consent or of a legitimate interest in initiating a business transaction concerning our own offer of delivery or service. The legitimate interest results from our interest in sending you messages, informing you about news from our company, offers and events and promoting our own range of services.

Transmission of the relevant data in each individual case is based on your consent.

3. We process personal data that we receive through your use of our website as follows:

3.1 Server logs:

No personal data is required for the use of our website. However, our web server still collects the data that your Internet browser communicates to us (including the IP address of the requesting computer, together with the date, time, the request, which file is requested (name and URL), the amount of data transferred to you, a message as to whether the request was successful, identification data of the browser and operating system used, and the website from which the access was made (should the access take place via a link).

The legal basis for processing is based on our legitimate interest in ensuring system security, managing the website technically and optimizing the service quality.

These data will be forwarded to the authorities should a hacking attack occur. No other transmission to third parties takes place. The server logs are stored for a maximum of 3 months.

3.2 Cookies:

We use cookies to make your visit to our website attractive and to allow the use of certain features. Cookies are small text files that the website saves on your computer in order to recognize it (permanent cookies). These may contain information about your use of the website. The information contained in the cookies is used to store the individual selections made by you (e.g. the items you place in a shopping cart) so that they can be retrieved if you leave the page and return to it later. We also use cookies to create non-personalized statistics. Cookies are automatically accepted by most web browsers. You can prevent this by changing the settings in your browser. You can remove cookies stored on your computer at any time by deleting the temporary internet files. Data processing is based on your consent.

We use the providers listed below to process data about your use of our website in order to adapt it to your interests in the best possible way.

Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. We use IP anonymization, so your IP address will first be truncated by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other states that are signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be sent to a Google server in the US and truncated there. Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate your use of this website, to compile reports on website activity for us, and to provide us with other services related to website activity and internet usage. The IP address provided by Google Analytics within the framework of Google Analytics will not be combined with any other Google data. You can prevent the storage of cookies by a corresponding setting in your browser software; please note, however, that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of the websites in full. You can also prevent the collection by Google of the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your anonymized IP address) and processing of that data by Google by following the link below ( and downloading and installing the browser plugin provided.

Google Analytics uses the following cookies: _ga (storage period of two years), _gid (storage period of one day), _gat (storage period of one minute).

4. Further information:

You have the right to information about the stored data according to Art. 15 GDPR, to rectification of inaccurate data according to Art. 16 GDPR, to deletion of data according to Art. 17 GDPR, to restriction of data processing according to Art. 18 GDPR, to data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR and to objection to unreasonable data processing according to Art. 21 GDPR.

If processing takes place on the basis of a declaration of consent, you have the option to withdraw it at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing on the basis of that consent up to the time of withdrawal.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities - in Austria, the Data Protection Authority is responsible. Its address is:

We require the data that we ask you to provide to perform our services within the contractual relationship, to provide information that you have requested from us and to send our newsletters and other information. If you do not provide the data we collect, we will not be able to perform our services.

No automated decision-making, including profiling, is carried out. If we process your personal data for a purpose other than the one for which we collected this information, we will inform you of this fact and of that other purpose.

Supplementary information

We provide our services in cooperation with third parties. The categories of persons receiving personal data can be found under point 2.2 of our Privacy Policy.



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